So SpakeMo…
It is so closely our neighbor and the heritage of many a dear friend or co-worker and yet for all the grandeur of its landscape and culture, we fear it. The elegant architecture of old Europe, the ancient temples of early civilization lay shrouded from our view, withheld from inspiring our curious minds by a wall of violence and corruption.
So Spake Mo…
Once there was a man who—despite being on record as having broken nearly every bone in his entire body over the course of his illustrious career—managed to secure all the necessary permits from the city of Twin Falls, Idaho to stage a media extravaganza! So Spake Mo…
There is a certain fearless foolishness inherent in the act of pioneering, the faith that you are somehow cleverer, luckier, more divinely guided than the ones who came before you. So Spake Mo…
Below roared the thunderous waters of the Shoshone Falls like a scale model of the great Niagra filling the space between sheer canyon walls with billows of fine mist. |
The Story of Place